Samuel Miars / Cammack House

Another “Quaker Plan” house

This is a private home, so please pull off the road in front of the house. Use your blinkers.

The Samuel Miars house is another example of early 19th century Quaker architecture. The Quaker Plan was recommended by William Penn for the Quakers who settled Philadelphia in the 1680s and thereafter: it has three rooms per floor and an asymmetrical facade. The front door opens into a “hall” with fireplace, cabinets, and a corner stairway on the right wall, and a back door opposite the front door. On the left is the central supporting wall with the doorways into two rooms with shared corner fireplaces. The second floor has the same plan.

The additions on this home are more recent.



912 Gurneyville Road, Wilmington, OH 45177